Children, Youth and Families Ministry

Ministry to children, young people and families is an important priority for the Parish of Tidenham.

We long to see our children and young people immersed in the love of God and for them to grow in personal faith and belonging, and learn to apply their faith in their everyday lives; being and becoming the people God has created them to be.

We are also committed to supporting parents and families as they juggle the demands of daily life and deal with the joys and challenges that come their way.

St Luke has an active Sunday School (Splash) which parents can attend with their children and crèche facilities for the really young ones. St Luke also has a family service on the first Sunday of each month at 11.00am, where all the family worship together.

As part of the Children, Youth and Families, the Parish employs a professional Children, Youth and Families Missioner, Emma Durbin. Emma works with the Vicar and many volunteers in the Parish to nurture people in the Christian faith and we are also closely linked to Sedbury Space which is a vibrant community facility.

The Parish takes the safety and well-being of children and young people, together with all those who are vulnerable, very seriously indeed. Read more about our Safeguarding