What's Going On

Sunday Services

We increased our online presence. We have a dedicated YouTube channel which we invite you to subscribe to- Tidenham Parish Online Church - where you can find services, sermons, songs and other resources. A direct link to each Sunday's service and any downloadable materials, including a weekly bulletin, will be posted in the News section of this website each week.

Other Regular Services

Throughout the week we have a number of other regular services and morning prayer.

Children Youth and Families

Ministry to children, young people and families is an important priority for the Church here in the Parish of Tidenham. We long to see our children and young people immersed in the love of God and for them to grow in personal faith and belonging.

Life Groups

As well as services, the Parish offers opportunities for Christians to meet in small groups to grow in faith and support one another in living life together. Anyone interested is welcome to join. Find out more and see a list of current Life Groups.

Music & Bell Ringing

Music is an important part of life and an important part of our life together as a Christian community, with a music group, choirs, bell ringing and more.

Other Groups/Events

We have a range of other groups held weekly, monthly, and throughout the year including Men's Group, lunches and more.

Sedbury Pioneer Project & Wellbeing  

Following ordination, Revd Janice Hamilton served as Pioneer Curate for the Parish. Janice was funded by the Diocese to work three days a week on the Pioneer Project in Sedbury which mainly centred on the development of Sedbury Space.  This is now a thriving space with lots of community focus - see their website for more details.  We now have Revd Nicki Bullivant to help drive more wellbeing focused projects in the community with Pilates for a spiritually healthy mind and body, Parish coffee mornings, focused prayer and extra support at Sedbury Space.


Tidenham Parish is a Fairtrade Parish, and we try to encourage people to buy local and buy Fairtrade. The Parish participates in Fairtrade Fortnight and runs stalls at the churches. If you are looking for great gift ideas then the Traidcraft catalogues are available year-round. Contact Julia or Cate for more details.

The Friends of St Mary & St Peter, Tidenham

Set up in 2014 to support the Parish church, the Friends of Tidenham is an independent (but very much related) charity in its own right. The Friends have worked and continue to work with the PCC on various projects; most recently, there is a major programme of works (reordering) which is taking place to make St Mary & St Peter more user friendly and more community focused.

Churches Together/Cytun

Tidenham Parish is a member of the local Chepstow and District Churches Together, also known as Cytun in Welsh. As such we are involved in a number of activities.