Our Vision
Our Parish Vision is to be ‘Living Life Together in the Flow of God’s Love.’ We will seek to do this in, through and by relationship:
Transforming Relationship through Worship
We seek to worship God the Father through Jesus Christ in the power Holy Spirit (our relational God) in our daily lives; being transformed individually and as a gathered community through encounter with profligate grace. We commit ourselves to this through:
- A Simple Rule/Rhythm of Life
- Corporate Prayer
- Various corporate acts of worship that provide opportunities to connect with God
- Opportunities to receive ministry e.g. prayer for healing
Authentic Relationship through Discipleship
We will seek to listen to God’s call in our lives and endeavour to work out what it means for each of us to follow Jesus Christ day by day by living in the flow of his love and applying his teaching 24/7. We commit ourselves to this through:
- Recognising and responding to God in all areas of life: work, rest, play, eating, spending etc.
- Life Groups and teaching the faith
- An Annual Quiet Day and Parish Weekend or Retreat.
- Baptism, confirmation, marriage, and communion preparation.
- Discerning vocations and providing opportunities for service.
Building up Relationship Capacity
We will seek to use the spiritual, physical (buildings), human and financial gifts and resources that God has given us to enable building up the Body of Christ and to further the Kingdom of God. We commit ourselves to this through:
- Working with the Holy Spirit to enable, equip and commission individuals and teams
- Tidenham Church Restoration
- Effective administration (Parish Office/Hub), information and communication
- Working with our partners in the wider Church and Community
Loving Relationship through Community
We will seek to respond to the command of Jesus to ‘Love One Another.’ As a diverse community we will endeavour to welcome and value each other on life’s journey; supporting one another through the joys and challenges of life, and reaching out with hospitality and compassion to others. We commit ourselves to this through:
- Pastoral Care
- Children, Youth and Families Ministry (CYFM)
- Social/community Events
- Parish Lunches, Man Thing, Wellbeing Coffee Mornings etc.
Engaging Relationship through Mission
We will seek to pass on the love of God by taking up opportunities to be positively involved in connecting with and serving our local community and the wider world. We commit ourselves to this through:
- Schools Ministry
- Wellbeing Project
- Sedbury Pioneer Project
- Pastoral Care
- Health and wellbeing activities, particularly in our reordered buildings
- Churches Together Projects: Foodbank, Christian Aid, Fairtrade, CAP etc.
- Charity Partners