Giving Time, Talents & Finances

Give Financially

We believe that God has called us to do a job, supporting and meeting the spiritual needs of people in the Parish of Tidenham and beyond.

We are blessed with support from parishioners, church goers and non-church goers - if you would like to help this church and the work we do in the community, please donate via the contactless readers in St Luke's Tutshill and St Mary & St Peter's Tidenham. Bank Account Giving at Tidenham Parochial Church, Sort Code 30-91-89 Account Number 00304754. A reference saying 'donation' helps us too!

We operate as a charity and if you wish to support our work, this would help us to carry on doing what we do. You can make a one off donation to the Church or consider regular financial giving. Our bank details are:

Tidenham Parochial Church, Lloyds Bank

Sort Code 30-91-89

Account number 00304754

Here are copies of the Bank standing order or Gift Aid forms, if you wish to donate in this way.  If you have internet banking, you don't need the standing order section of the form; please use our Parish bank details and set up a standing order online.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) has a team of trustworthy people administering the Church’s finances, who set the budget, review financial policies and adhere to laws governing charities. The accounts are inspected annually, are made available to the Church and are submitted to the Diocese. The PCC wishes to thank all who have given and continue to give. 

Volunteering/Getting Involved

There are many opportunities for you to get involved in the local church and community. If there is a project or activity that you feel you have the skills for contact the relevant people to find out more. Perhaps you have a sense that God may be calling you to a particular work or ministry in the church or community? If so, contact members of the Ministry Team who will be happy to listen to your story.

God calls us all to live out our faith day by day. We do this in our relationships and activities at work, at home, at church and in our communities. Part of our vision as a Parish is to support each other in living out that faith day by day.

Policy on supporting Charities

The PCC has determined that 10% of its disposable ordinary and unrestricted income after paying the parish share, be used to support and further God’s work locally, nationally and internationally, focusing on those charities which cohere with the PCC’s mission statement – ‘To live life together in the flow of God’s Love’.