St. Luke's reordering March update
Work to re-order St Luke’s started on 4th March 2019. In the first week the low level electrics were disconnected (and under pew heaters removed) and pews released from the floor ready for collection the following weekend.
The better floor boards were also removed for reuse in the refurbishment of another property – here is a view of the floor joists (10 March).
The floor joists were supported on sleeper walls (11 March)
The stone sleeper walls and old solid aisles were levelled off and new stone used to bring the floor levels up. Not many people get to drive a mini-digger or dump truck in church! (18 March)
Stone levels now up and covered in the damp proof membrane (18 March).
Levels being set for the oversite concrete to be poured on 2 April.
Posted on the 30th March 2019 at 10:20am.